How do you choose a therapist?

It can be scary to pick the right person when disclosing the personal and private details of your life. It’s so important that you choose a therapist you feel you might trust with your innermost thoughts. And it’s particularly important to feel welcome and accepted. I don’t judge – my goal is just to try to help you shift whatever is going on by using the tools from my training and education to work with whatever you may be struggling with at this moment. We might explore the self-talk element of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to combat your anxiety, use EMDR Therapy to process a trauma, or examine the way in which your upbringing may influence and shape the dynamics in your current relationship. Ultimately, however, you are in charge of the direction of your therapy. I will never force or pressure you into discussing anything that you are not comfortable sharing, within the limits of confidentiality.

What does therapy with you cost? Do you take insurance?

I do accept a limited number of sliding scale clients, and sliding scale appointments are linked to certain times and days, let’s talk rate when we first connect. I do not take insurance but am always able to provide paperwork for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement as my NPI (national provider information) number permits me to be an out-of-network provider for almost all insurance companies.

What is your “Good Faith Estimate?” Actually, what even is that?

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost as a result of the “No Surprises Bill” which took effect in January 2022.
Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services. I don’t take ANY insurance, so I must provide you with a “Good Faith Estimate.” You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services.
When we connect and book a first appointment, I will send you a “Good Faith Estimate.” If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you have the right dispute the bill. You will always have access to your specific GFE on your online portal. For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises

How is payment handled? Can I pay by credit card? What about late fees?

Payment is due every session. I currently only accept payment by credit cards through my online portal. Please note, late payments may be subject to a fee. I do charge for sessions canceled less than 24 hours before we are supposed to meet.

What happens when I meet with you?

When we decide to meet, I will send you an email with a link to an online portal for you to complete the preliminary paperwork and information. For telehealth, we will meet electronically through a confidential and HIPAA-compliant video platform.  At our first session together, we will discuss what brought you in to meet me and go over paperwork and guidelines such as the limits of confidentiality, HIPAA, Good Faith Estimate and office policies – this is to make sure you understand just how seriously I take your privacy and protection. We will then spend a bit of time exploring your history and generally getting comfortable with each other to see if we are a good fit.

What if we’re NOT a ‘good fit’?

If for some reason it seems like you have an issue or concern that’s outside of my area of expertise, I will provide you with referrals to someone who has more training on your particular issue. If for some reason, you just don’t feel like you’re going to be comfortable talking to me or my style of therapy just doesn’t feel right, I will also provide you with appropriate referrals. It’s so important to feel the right chemistry with a therapist, and I do my best to honor that.

OK, sounds good, what now?

Email me at therapy (at) elysespringer.com and we will find a time to touch base briefly by phone, or move ahead and set an appointment.